Ongoing Learning for Entrepreneurs

Feed your Brain with Knowledge

The human brain feeds on knowledge and will be happiest and most useful if it is learning something new on a regular basis. Ongoing learning for entrepreneurs and executives is the most beneficial tool for improving your chances of achieving business success.

The knowledge that provides food for your brain does not need to be of the traditional sort. What this means, is that you do not need to undertake mammoth projects at an institute for tertiary education. You do not need to take on a two or three year course, such as a Masters degree, if you are not keen to devote that term of commitment to a learning project.

Many aspiring and current business people have an enormous work load and little available time, whether their commitments be to family, work, gym, social contributions or any combination of these and others. This makes the prospect of longer-term study unattractive, to the extent that often, they shy away from study entirely. But, ongoing learning for entrepreneurs will bring a host of benefits, not least of which is to keep all areas of your brain active. Continue reading

Focus on Your Core Business – Do What You Do.

“I understand small business growth. I was one.” George W. Bush

Focus on Your Core Business – not extraneous bling

Over the past seven or so years, I have had occasion to be exposed to at least 4 attempts to start inherently the same business. Two attempts failed dismally, the third survives, but only just, while the fourth is a monumental success.

One of the primary reasons for the failed businesses when compared to the successful business is that the successful business has a singular focus to “do what we do”. All four business attempts, which I’ll write about in some more detail in my next post, were almost identical in intention, method, start-up capital, staff requirements, services offered and target customers; and yet they had vastly different destinies. For the purpose of this article, I will isolate only the principle that I would like to highlight at the moment, to the exclusion of others. This is not to say that other factors did not play a role, or even a significant role, but they simply won’t come into play here. Continue reading